Find ways to keep your little ones squeaky clean and happy with these helpful tips and joyful products.
- Lego Soap: Getting your children into the habit of washing their hands, can be quite a chore. But do not fear, Lego sell little bars of soap shaped like their famous blocks, just for the fun of it. Alternately, liven up your clear soap dispenser by placing blocks of Lego inside. They will appear like they’re floating and look like fun!
- Squishy Baff Bath: Take a regular bath tub, and turn it into a bath of goo. Fill the bath as would be normal, and then pour Squishy Baff Bath into the water, swishing it around for good measure. Although it may take up to 15 minutes until ready, the results are a marvel. Once the transition is complete, this stuff feels like mushy, rice pudding: a sure way to please the kids! And it can be mess free, as it also reverts back to ordinary water when you’re done with fun.
- Chocolate Cupcake Soap: If Lego isn’t your little tykes thing, perhaps you could get their taste buds set on AJ’s Cupcake Factory’s Chocolate Cupcake Soap. It looks just like a scrumptious cake, but it’s purely for keeping clean. An enticing way to enjoy bath time. (Adult supervision may be best advised in case the child attempts to eat it!)